Here are some of the very best designs, ideas, and tutorials that we’ve come across in our search for inspiration so far!
1. Nail polish pens and pencils

Kim Inspired DIY.
2. DIY botanical pen bouquet

Craft A Doodle Doo!
3. Thread wrapped pom pom pencils

Purely Katie!
4. DIY ribbon and beaded pens

Shemi Dixon.
5. Lip gloss pens and pencils

Kim Inspired DIY
6. Fabric tape pens

Mountain Modern Life
7. Napkin pencils

Cut Out and Keep
8. Rainbow glitter pencils

Cut Out and Keep
9. DIY candy pens

Kim Inspired DIY!
10. DIY lava lamp pen

Hello Maphie
11. Thing 1 and Thing 2 pencils

Moms and Crafters
12. Washi tape pens

As The Bunny Hops
13. Fabric wrapped tassel pens

Alyssa and Carla!
14. DIY personalized pencils

Home Sweet Crafting